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Crispy Sweet Potato Beehive Honeycomb Cookies

Cookies in the morning, cookies late at night, cookies all day, here take another bite! These delicately, crispy Sweet Potato Beehive Honeycomb Cookies will send you straight to to any holiday celebration. Incredibly light and addictive. One of the best things about these cookies is that they are super quick to make! With a quick dip with a special brass mold and into a fryer, you'll have this addictive beehive cookie in a snap! And with a special twist of a royal purple hue from Suncore Foods® Purple Sweet Potato Powder, these classic cookies will make the celebration all the more special. Let's create new memories.


100 grams rice flour
2 tsp Suncore Foods® Purple Sweet Potato Powder
1 medium-sized egg
50 grams caster sugar
75 grams coconut milk
80 grams water
A pinch of salt



1. Place all ingredients, except rice flour and Suncore Foods® Purple Sweet Potato Powder, in a large bowl, combine well. Shift in flour and potato powder; mix until well incorporated. Strain mixture to discard lumps and bubbles. Let the batter sit for 15 mins before using.

2. Meantime, heat up oil in a small saucepan; place mould in the oil until oil reaches 140 degrees Celsius. Remove access oil from the mould, dip it directly in the batter; place it in the hot oil immediately. The biscuits should come off automatically in few seconds. Place the mould back in the hot oil before dipping in the batter.

3. Fry for 30 seconds for each side. Remove and place it on napkin.
Repeat until batter is used up.